
What keeps us busy and awake at night?
Add a 512KB MagicDesk to a SX64

Add a 512KB MagicDesk to a SX64

As you may know I'm busy with pimping a Commodore SX64 and trying to bring it into the 21th century. Since it is fairly old technology loading a program is painstakingly slow. Traditionally modded kernals or cartridges are used to install fastloaders. Modern...

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Connect a Commodore with thermal printer

Connect a Commodore with thermal printer

Since a couple of months I have fascination for vintage computers like Commodore or Nintendo. I'm in the process restoring and pimping a Commodore SX64 and realized I did't have a printer for it. After all it is an executive machine and how do I otherwise print my...

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Restoring a Commodore SX64

Restoring a Commodore SX64

Some time ago I finally got my hands on a vintage Commodore SX64. This is one of the first 'portable' computers ever made and weighted a whopping 10.5Kg!! I had fond memories of this machine and always wanted one since I was a kid. The SX64 is basicly of a regular...

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Seasonal Greetings

Seasonal Greetings

The last minutes of 2019 are ticking away... Due to personal circumstances this post is a bit late and our apologies for this. It has been a moving year but never the less we have some nice stuff to bring you next year. We hope that the soldering irons keep you and...

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BusPirate: the evolution

BusPirate: the evolution

10 years ago my friend Ian Lesnet designed the BusPirate. A versatile Swiss army knife that helps you explore serial protocols like SPI, I2C and UART through a simple serial terminal. It was based on a 16 bit Microchip PIC micro controller which features a few clever...

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