Seasonal Greetings

Seasonal Greetings

As always it is that time of the year, the last moments of the year are ticking away and we’re looking back… We did lots of things in the workshop, but unfortunately didn’t blog about it. However we managed at least to squeeze out a small post about...
Useless Amiga Expansions

Useless Amiga Expansions

I’m very sorry about not seriously posting for a very long time.. Not that I haven’t made any stuff, but never found the time to write about it. To make it up with you I’ll start with two little projects which are a bit useless nowadays, but did...
Add a 512KB MagicDesk to a SX64

Add a 512KB MagicDesk to a SX64

As you may know I’m busy with pimping a Commodore SX64 and trying to bring it into the 21th century. Since it is fairly old technology loading a program is painstakingly slow. Traditionally modded kernals or cartridges are used to install fastloaders. Modern...
Restoring a Commodore SX64

Restoring a Commodore SX64

Some time ago I finally got my hands on a vintage Commodore SX64. This is one of the first ‘portable’ computers ever made and weighted a whopping 10.5Kg!! I had fond memories of this machine and always wanted one since I was a kid. The SX64 is basicly of a...